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Radish is good for the skin and lessens constipation: see eight benefits.

Originating in the Mediterranean region, radish is a tuberous root with a crunchy pulp and a spicy taste. The size and shape of the food vary, but it is usually found rounder or more elongated. The bark is typically red, and the flesh is white. Widely consumed in salads in Brazil, it is a source of several important nutrients for the body, such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, and zinc, in addition to fiber and antioxidants. And it is also low in calories: in 100 g, we find only 14 kcal.

Due to its various nutrients, the vegetable provides many health benefits. It is worth noting that radish has been used as a medicinal food and folk remedy in traditional Chinese medicine for many centuries. Below, see details of the advantages of including it in the diet and how to consume it.

1. Good for the skin

The radish contains a lot of water, which is beneficial for the skin's health. It also contains vitamin C, an antioxidant that slows down aging. In 100 g of radish, there is 9.59 mg of vitamin C. The nutrient contributes to collagen formation and counteracts oxidative stress. Therefore, it protects the skin from ultraviolet rays and free radicals. It also improves wound healing.

2. Helps with digestion

As a food with fiber, regular consumption of radish helps digestion. The vegetable has compounds that demonstrate antibacterial activity, including against the bacteria Helicobacter pylori, which is linked to ulcers and stomach cancer.

3. Prevents constipation

Including radishes in the diet can be very beneficial for constipation sufferers. Fiber improves intestinal motility and makes stools bulkier, being eliminated more easily.

4. Improves cardiovascular health

The radish is a source of anthocyanins, a substance with antioxidant action. It prevents cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and stroke (cerebrovascular accident).

5. Suitable for those with diabetes

It is a low glycemic index food, meaning it does not raise blood sugar levels abruptly. This makes radish a good option for people with diabetes. The antidiabetic properties of radish are also linked to its ability to increase the antioxidant defense mechanism and decrease oxidative stress. It also reduces the absorption of glucose in the intestine.

6. Controls blood pressure

Radishes are rich in antioxidants and minerals like potassium. This nutrient balances the amount of sodium in the body, which is eliminated in the urine. Because of this, it improves vascular tone, relieving tension in blood vessels, which helps reduce pressure. In 100 g of radishes, there is 326 mg of potassium.

7. Strengthens the immune system

The presence of vitamin C can help to strengthen the immune system. The antioxidant improves the body's defenses, prevents illnesses such as colds and flu, and protects against infections.

8. Increases satiety

Because it has plenty of water and contains fiber, the consumption of radish contributes to the feeling of satiety. Therefore, it is common for a person to feel full more quickly and eat less. Indirectly, it can contribute to weight loss or control.

Benefits understudy

As a cruciferous vegetable, radish has compounds called isothiocyanates, which eliminate harmful substances that can cause cancer in the body, preventing the development of tumors. One study found that radish root extract had this compound that inhibited the growth of cancer cells. However, more research is needed to identify the relationship between vegetables and disease prevention. Furthermore, no food alone reduces the risk of the disease. It is necessary to maintain a balanced diet and have good health habits.

Contraindications and recommended amount

Radishes are generally considered to be safe foods. Some people, who have some food intolerance, have sensitivity and increase the amount of gas or indigestion. In addition, a study carried out on guinea pigs showed that consuming excessive amounts of radish can interfere with the production of thyroid hormone. It is also known that food increases the production of bile, a type of liquid produced by the liver and acts in the digestion of food. This causes discomfort in those who have gallstones. There is no recommended amount per day. The ideal is to maintain a diversified diet and vary your vegetables frequently.

How to choose and store

When choosing the radish, paying attention to the leaves is essential: they need to be fresh and green. The roots, on the other hand, should be firm, smooth, and without cracks. Avoid those with complex roots. Also, check that the radish is not softened or shriveled. After purchase, wash the vegetables under running water and remove any soil residues. Lightly dry them with a paper towel. As they wilt quickly, the recommendation is to keep the radish in the refrigerator in a plastic bag until consumption.

Forms of consumption

Radish is most often eaten raw in salads. That way, its flavor is spicier. When cooked, it tastes sweeter and earthier. It is also often used as an ingredient in juices, chips, and snacks and sauteed with other vegetables and meats. The vegetable leaves can be used in soups and pie, and dumpling fillings.

Sources: Andrea Pereira, clinical nutrition support physician at Hospital Albert Einstein; Tatiana Bononi, nutritionist at Hospital São Camilo; Bianca Gonçales, nutritionist at Hospital Moriah; Luanda Tenório, nutritionist from Arapiraca (AL) with AmorSaúde, a network of clinics partnering with Cartão de TODOS. Reference: TBCA (Brazilian Table of Food Composition).



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Conj. 83, 84 and 85 - Itaim Bibi

04532-022, São Paulo, SP

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Conj. 83, 84 and 85 - Itaim Bibi

04532-022, São Paulo, SP

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Rua Bandera Paulista, 622

Conj. 83, 84 and 85 - Itaim Bibi

04532-022, São Paulo, SP

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